The CYCL team is made up of passionate cyclists who come from diverse backgrounds with varying abilities of cycling. We do it to keep fit, avoid the Tube and because we love it but we haven't always identified as "cyclists" and there's not a piece of Lycra between us (apart from our party gear ;-p). We wanted to show others that there are plenty of other unlikely cyclists out there. So we're decided to create a series photo-portraits and short interviews with people we meet along our way and getting them to tell us why they love to cycle and why.
This week we catch up with Josie Dews - cyclist and author.
I started cycling when I was 3 but it wasn't until I was 10 that I decided I wanted to spend most of my life on my bike and cycle around the world. I loved cycling further and further in this country with my tent strapped on board so heading off to see other countries seemed like the natural progression. I wanted to see different places and meet different people and cycling across new lands was the most practical and exciting and liberating way I could do it.
2. What do you love about cycling?
I love the freedom of going where you want, when you want under your own steam and at the perfect pace: not too slow that it takes forever to get from A to B or around the world, but fast enough to move across the map and notice every Tom, Dick and Harry and interesting undulation and sight along the way.
3. What piece of advice would you give to people new to cycling?
Get some good lights (do daytime flashing!), be visible and don't cycle in the gutter - that way you avoid the drains, the broken glass and stones and rubbish. Plus, you are more visible to drivers and they won't try squeezing past so fast so much. Be bold and keep away from the edge. Bikes have rights to be out there.
Check out Josie's blog all about her and her family's adventures on two wheels.